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Landing page & Banners
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Adrien deployed the https://notrelaitanous.be/ platform for us, as well as creating a banner validation tool as part of the same project. Despite very tight deadlines, Adrien and his team were very responsive and flexible. A great partnership 😊
Pauline Héraly

Pauline Héraly

Creative Agency CEO Air
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Design - CMS
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Are you looking for a PRO? You are at the right address 😉 Adrien is reactive, listening, available and competent. Good job 👍
Thomas Uyttebroeck

Thomas Uyttebroeck

Heating company - CEO
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La Brasserie de la Confluence

Design - CMS
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Thank you to I-Web and all their team! Even if the deadlines were a little longer during the project because of the complexity of the program, I am very satisfied with the result!
Thierry Bachez

Thierry Bachez

Restaurant La Confluence - Managing Director
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Pharmacie du Petit Champ

Design - CMS
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Very satisfied with the result! Moreover, Adrien was often available on weekends to answer my questions :-)
Aline Derideau

Aline Derideau

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Doctor Yanni Nicolas

Design - Comments tool
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The site was created with great care and the result is exactly what I expected. I highly recommend it!
Yanni Nicolas

Yanni Nicolas

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Cabinet Deburges

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Merci à Adrien et à son équipe pour le travail fourni pour notre site web. Il a respecté le design proposé et je suis satisfaite de ses conseils pratiques. Efficacité et disponibilité sont les grandes qualités de leur service. 🙏
Julie Delcourt

Julie Delcourt

Cabinet Deburges